Wisdom Visions  
Wisdom Visions
Table of Contents


A Visionary Exploration of the Cosmic Realms Linking the
Divine Intention and Everyday Life in the Four Square Realm.

This Council of five Helpers came at my desperate plea for help to heal or shed my wound tattered heart. I felt enslaved by its fear-filled reactivity and barbed defensiveness. I couldn't easily love or accept the needed love from others. And my light was not being lived. Each of these Helpers has a role in conveying the pure being of Source to guide my life's purpose and provision. They also transmit the life-force patterns formed by my deeds, foibles and choices back to influence the Divine's Plan for me. It is the most caring, intimate and forgiving interaction I can imagine. Though they came at my prayer, they clearly reveal universal realities that I hope will help you connect with your Helpers to benefit you in your quest for healing and fulfillment.

These five Helpers are my contact beings in the Four Realms through which Divine Intention is transmuted in quantum leaps from one Realm to the next. They are the means of conveying the pure being of Source into our life's pattern, purpose and goal. In return, they transmit Its manifestation through the life-force of our deeds, foibles and choices back to fulfill and modify Divine Intention. They personify and are the means to be more consciously aware of the workings of these Realms in my everyday life.

In my vision I was shown four discreet Realms, each with their own splendors and challenges, interlocking through a Rainbow Bridge, a gradation of energies, that extended across the ocean of being, from the subtlest Celestial Realm to the Material Realm..

As my prayer of need was answered through vision, the first Helper that graciously appeared was Metatron, an Archangel, an angel of the Throne and the Presence. She appeared to me with three sets of wings, feathers gloriously extended out in an arc behind her. Each set was a different radiant color, indescribable in earthly words.

Her features were too radiant for me to make out except for her Third Eye and her Heart. Both had three distinct layers, the same colors as her sets of wings. The luminous grandeur and caring she emanated awed me. A loving Feminine Presence from the Heart of God. In total surrender to her, my heart and third eye merged with hers.

At once I was graced with a vision of the Source, the Unmanifest Divine Presence -a blast furnace of Light-Being-Love that seared away all but my beatific entrancement -Absolute Identity. Unutterable Splendor.
Blissfully immobilized, dissolved into being, at one with Highest Consciousness and Love, I could see that this Highest Reality shines through all dimensions and forms. This glorious Aliveness is the Ground and Goal of all becoming, the Splendor that glows in everything. A leaf's springtime unfurling, our life's dreams and longings, the death of a child or a star, each expresses and carries some aspect of the Eternal, the inexpressible boundless Highest Reality.
My awareness absorbed in hers, Metatron taught me. Her Heart touching mine, she took me down through my heart's three layers, the depths of love. The outermost layer, the one I knew as my wound-tattered heart, entwined with the world around it, was the prison of my past, it's pains and longings, projected into my present outer world. The next deepest layer of my heart she revealed was my heart's soul, my inner emotions and passions, the meanings and truths about my being, the source of my personhood. Then, enfolding me in a sense of caring and security, she took me to a place I would have feared to go alone, the deepest layer, the awesome Heart of my heart, where it merges with God's.

As my own heart drank and drank of that innermost nectar, Metatron took me into resonance with her Third-Eye. My consciousness was absorbed into a luminous, shadowless field of awareness, a field of consciousness where everything was revealed in its fullness. All was evident, beyond thought.
Entrained with her as I was, she led me to experience the translations that she, and all the hierarchy of angels, create to transmit the Divine Intention in communicable form -'messages' that can be transmitted. Through her, I experienced the Inexpressible Being formulated into manifestation. She transposed that outpouring into a personal message for me. The 'meaning' of that message was far beyond my mind's grasp, but it moved through my being like illuminating music.

This, then, the Celestial Realm of the angelics, was the first Realm I was shown. Merged with Metatron, I witnessed the transmutation they performed to facilitate this quantum leap from the ineffable Divine Intention to merge into the Celestial Realm. She illuminated into my understanding that this was the first level in Cosmosis, the process of giving Divine Intention manifestation and expression in all four Realms.

Metatron released me to descend into the next Real of manifestation. In the Celestial Realm there was no physicality and I was a formless spirit. As I was gently transposed down into this next Realm, I was aware of an energy matrix throughout it. It was a cloud-like form I took, but I could sense grid-like lines of force swirling through it that radiated great potentiality.

The Helper that appeared to me in this Realm was an Ascended Master. He had finished with his need to incarnate eons ago. He is one of those called 'the Lords of Karma'. Although he never reveals anything about himself or lets me see him as anything more than a glowing egg-like shape, he is open and cordial in helping me understand their roles in Cosmosis, Because he is on the Council that guides the Council of my High Self, I call him Elder Brother.

These Councils focus on group karmas and callings. I saw these facets of the overall Intention as different colored Rays emanating from this Etheric domain down through the astral where individual souls aligned with their Ray as part of their vehicle of manifestation
Elder Brother brings me into resonance with himself as Metatron did. Now I recognize some familiarity with the process and suspect I've been taken through if often, but not knowingly. Even so, I'm stunned as I merged with his Cosmic awareness. It holds the incredible complexities and interactions of this Realm's etheric matrixing. Through his consciousness, I grasp that it serves as a formatting for the Celestial Realm's 'messages' to possibly become thought and action.

The Lords of Karma work with Storehouse Consciousness, the Akashic Record. This holds the memory trace of every soul's unfolding -every detail, pattern and purpose- past and future. The Lords use their incarnation-ripened wisdom to formulate the karmic patterns -or action scenarios- to align each individual's process with the expression of the Divine Intention, to be capable of bridging the next quantum leap into the Material Realm of space, time, thought and action.

The third member of my Council of Helpers to appear to me in this visionary teaching was Kalananda His name can be translated as 'the Bliss of Time' or the 'Ecstasy of Darkness'. The goddess Kali's name is a form of this same word.

He has been active in my life from early on. Even in my teens I was drawn to Indian music and Oriental philosophy. As a young man I studied classical Indian dance with a gifted teacher from India, Bhashkar Roy Chowdry. Before long he asked me to join his concert troop and danced in a Broadway show he choreographed. In my thirties, I got another gift from this past life when I was strongly drawn to study Yoga. It was just becoming known but I found an accomplished teacher. I was pleased with how easily it came and soon realized that I wasn't learning, but recalling. Skills and gifts surfaced naturally and before long I felt the call to start teaching myself.

Some time later, I was keenly aware of his presence during my years in India where I realized that he was the soul of my previous incarnation. I was more comfortable with the lifestyle there than I'd ever been in the West. It wasn't unusual for friends to tell me that, except for my looks, they would have taken me for Indian. One of the many clear instance of his clear presence was on my first train trip into Tamil Nadu, where I spent most of my time. I heard his inner voice say, with great pleasure, as clearly as if I were speaking to myself, "Now we are going home."

He was a recluse monk who lived in a cave as an ascetic. During much of my time in India, I was drawn to live as a monk. His spiritual paths were Kaivalya -absolute separation and renunciation- and Sva Darshan, a mystical path that calls one to be present to one's own inner Light and witness oneself as an altar of the Absolute. My life's challenges and issues reflect those same concerns.
Kalananda's soul and mine merge in our deep psyche. I've found this evident in many ways throughout my life. Now, in this vision of my Council of Helpers, he is able to help my understanding how the abstract matrix of karma makes the quantum leap to the this next Realm, the astral, Soul Realm. Through the power of the individual soul's personhood, it transforms the interweaving webs of its karma and Divine Intention into personal reality and meaning. These can be the means to manifest through individual thought and action.

As well as I knew Kalananda before, now, as a member of my Council, I met him in a new way. Now he was a teacher and guide. His deep longing to merge and manifest Source gifted me incredibly. But some of his personal characteristics troubled me, especially when they related to my own lifelong self-challenges.

True to much of Indian spirituality, he considered himself separate from and above others, a chosen one, a twice-born Braman. Also truly a monk, he preferred his solitude above company or distraction. A mendicant, a beggar monk, he would see others only out of the necessity of getting food in exchange for his services as teacher, healer and a psychic guide.
Visions and study led me to understand his view is but one level in the development of mature spirituality. First there is the discovery of the One within oneself. Then there is the greater recognition that the One is at the core of all beings.

Seeing him joined with the other members in the Rainbow Bridge, I recognized those characteristics in him as aspects of his path in the great coming-into-being of the Divine Intention. That understanding became vital to my work on the healing of my heart; now I could begin to honor those traits of my own that troubled me so.

Then, the last two Helpers appeared together. I was startled to see two such dissimilar beings so obviously connected. One was Bodhidharma a kind soul of pure and limitless self-giving love. A fully compassionate heart with ready hands to express its caring. His long dark beard and hair were hidden by the cowl of his blue monk's robe, worn low to shield his tender, melting eyes and heart from all the pitiful suffering about him. His hand was in the auspicious gesture of peace . He reminded me more of Jesus than Buddha and gives me access to that deepest well of the heart that Metatron revealed to me.
His partner, and, as I still gradually come to understand, his compliment, was Ookmah. Ookmah is from another planet or realm. He is as intelligent as his companion, but descended from lizards, he is lizard minded. His rows of pointy teeth are always bared. Green, scaly skin, blood red eyes, and taloned claws he always keeps raised. He sums up his viewpoint simply. "Humaans", he hisses. "Wonderful when roasted, but very bothersome when alive."
When I get angry, he is quick to lend me suitable images and emotions. But Ookmah's perceptions of people and situations are ruthlessly clear and detached. He also gifts me with a fervor and decisiveness that has enabled me to live an adventurous, fairly fearless life.

I'd contacted them both before in visioning and healing work, but I'd never imagined them relating with each other, different as they are, let alone being partners. But they truly are. When I call on one, I now realize, the other also appears. For much of my life the rage of one was the protector of the other's vulnerability. Bodhidharma and Ookmah are In the heart of each other, equal and opposite. They are twin prongs, wondrous compliments and torments, the imponderable paradox whereby my soul engages in the Four Square Realm. Even though they appear to me to be diametrically opposed, together, in synergy, they are the means for me to span this last imponderable leap from the Soul Realm to the Material Realm of beings and things, into the here and now, into duality and passing time.

Now, I was back in my worldly self, the familiar life-view and attitudes- the mind, feelings and body I knew as me. It seemed all the other aspects of my being I'd just been graced to experience were encapsulated in that 'me', into that bit of the Four Square Realm I inhabit. In the past, I had felt the physical part of me as a blessing during dance, yoga, and lovemaking. And, when my soul was exhausted with the continual compromise and sacrifice I felt inherent in the dualistic nature of incarnating, it felt like a flexible coffin.
But now I had a perspective that gave me vastly different ways to hold this 'me'. In my visionary journey through the four Realms, I'd also been opened to my corresponding levels of consciousness. Although I was immediately hypnotized at being back in my body, by the limitations of the reality it perceived, my other levels of knowing and perception didn't disappear completely.

That especially helped in working with the tension between Ookmah and Bodhidharma. Till then, treating them as a necessary either/or had contributed to the heartache in my life. Rather than dismembering adversaries wrenching me back and forth, I found I could know them as a polarities in higher service. Their seesaw balancing could be a means to give expression to my role on the Rainbow Bridge.

These two complimentary archetypes were to enable me to live out/through/in this Realm of Ten-Thousand Things. For me, Bodhidharma and Ookma hold the divine power of opposites. Together, they do a sacred ceremonial dance It is a source of ecstasy, tortuous conflict and wondrous paradox. When I can manage to not take it personally, I see their interplay as masterful. Separately and together, they bring great depth, distress and passion to my life. They urge me, through their tormenting polarization, to create a mind and heart spacious enough to have room for them both, together.

The drive to materialize spirit and to spiritualize matter is the guiding impetus throughout all Realms. The descent of Divine Intention into our specific and detailed 'here and now' is part of a reciprocal flow. From that consciousness of the vision, I perceived how even the most personal and idiosyncratic aspects of my life recirculate up through the Realms to reach Source.
In response, I perceived Its a gratitude for service given to the Divine Intention, a welcoming as to a child, and for me, as a spark, the feeling of devotion fulfilled on returning to the Flame.

I recognized that the manifestation of all these Realms in my life, even in their limited and distorted form, is what gives my life meaning and purpose. All Realms are permeable to each other and interpenetrate, free of time. So all the facets of Cosmosis happen simultaneously. Each aspect of Cosmosis reflects every other one, in my life as well as yours.

When I so immerse myself in the Rainbow Bridge that I come into resonance with my Helpers, my reality shifts. I know myself as a partner with them, and that defines who I really am and what I'm about. From that perspective of awoken self-knowing, I witness the vast incomparable beauties and wonders of the four Realms interplaying to shape every moment in our lives. And merged with Highest Conscious and Love, I witness that all this vast interplay of Realms rests in the Divine Ocean of Being.

In resonance with Metatron's Heart and Third-Eye, dissolved into their Splendor, brings me into alignment with the Divine Intention for me, and empowers my day-to-day life. Suffused with Presence, she is my Council's hub, her intention guide the Council for my life. I follow the meta-mental processes Elder Brother uses to perform his service in Cosmosis. A wise and ripened spirit who well grasps and uses the peculiarities of the various Realms, to implement the messages transmitted by Metatron and her kindred angels.
Kalananda gives lifelong purpose and gift to my quest. He is a doorway in my psyche to my other past lives. He teaches me what is Holy and that everything is an altar. His utter separation from others leaves me the soul task of fulfilling the High Self by connecting with others the best I can with this monk's soul. The strongest karma I bear as his heir, is to hold the recognition that the Self I seek is the Self of all.

Through the diametrically opposed partners, Ookmah and Bodhidharma's I connect and interface the Four Square material Realm with the trans-substantial Realms. As I work with them more consciously and open-heartedly, we three learn and evolve with each other. Engrossing my energy with their continual interplay, aware that they are the polarities I am to manifest through, provides guidance for my soul's purpose, which seems more clearly formed and so it can be carried out, perhaps less compromised by the forces of circumstance and whimsy in the Four Square Realm.

In every instant there is the vast beauty of this universal interplay of balance and compensation. The unfulfilled challenges of my day are intimately and compassionately witnessed by my Helpers who then redefine my calling and capacity in the Divine Intention. The sacred process of Cosmosis is both challenging and forgiving.

Or, insofar as I choose, I can ignore my Council of Helpers and go about things on my own, in my own limited human way.

Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2003

Contact Gill Schwartz
Gateways to Transformation
PO Box 271
Highland Park, Il 60035
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Registered Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2003