Wisdom Visions


Wisdom Visions



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven


THE Kingdom of the Web

Chapter 6.



After the message courier from Jom NiMali requesting his return was

received, Shantu Ya' sat with it some days before deciding. He consulted with

the Inner Circle and Mow who all agreed that it was time to open the W.E.B. to

the Citadels. The creation of MOW was obviously an important instrument in

that happening. Finally, the Wizard was forced to see his own misgivings about

leaving there and going back, the difficulties, the losses. Now his life was as he

loved it. He feared loosing that, and he feared for the Chimeras in entering that

destitute reality.

He asked Kyxara for her help in understanding all this. "How can I

explain all this to those others so they can accept the gifts and not feel threaten.

Now my solitude is freed of all those efforts at defense that I would constantly

need to use there. Here, all that disruption naturally falls away, unneeded and

unheeded, leaving my mind unruffled. Even so, for a while after my merging,

unused to that natural freedom, I still would imagine having conversations or

arguments, to let me be, to let me have my own space. as if they were there

"others" to prevent my having it. And I could laugh at such antics at the same

time, happy that they were now so unnecessary. And, finally, because they were

so obviously my fabrications, they stopped.

"Such solitude gradually shifted my own view on what it was to be me.

Without that wall of fabricated difficulties and enemies, I found very different

ways of being me. What had seemed nebulas skills and adeptness now were at

hand. Mysteries of the deep heart now flowed through everything I experienced.

Even truths about myself that had seemed shadow horrors now grew transparent

enough to see the light they transmitted.

"Yes, how are you to explain all that to those others?" Kyxara confirmed

his question.

"How am I to even explain you," he gave an peculiar laugh, "let alone

such transformations?" He pictured some of those other human's view of their

conversation now, as especially hilarious: a dragon and a naked old man with

near floor sweeping hair and beard. "I had a reputation as a capable Wizard in

some Citadels. Perhaps that might be enough to start us on our way." As he

paused to think about her question more, the Inner Circle appeared in his mind's

eye. You are in alignment with the W.E.B., they assured him.

Obviously Kyxara was reassured too, and she bent her head down to

gently touch his, forehead to forehead. "Wizard, you have given us birth, and

now you are to find our place in your world."




The Great Hall, inside the newly built fortress of the Citadel of NiMali,

was festooned with all available flags and decorations befitting the grand

occasion. It was lit, one end to the other, with strings of the flameless lights

Shantu Ya' had invented many years before, as welll as with wall torches. Their

festive beams were strong and clear and showed the decorations and guest's

bright costumes of blues, wines and purples to great advantage. It was Jom

NiMali's sumptuous feast of celebration at the Union of Citadels he had

conquered over the past decades and of the return of Shantu Ya', his Court

Wizard who just returns from a long sojourn away.

Sixteen other local Chiefmen, now his vassals and cloaked in the

Union's tunics, sat with him along the long, food overloaded table. Stewards

saw that it stayed that way. It was hewn from a single, massive log, a great

treasure in itself. Jom NiMali, in his newly constructed throne, that sat at the

table's head on a low dais, was an ostentatious assemblage of tributes given to

him. He wore his Sun-Vestment, a long, heavy cloak covered with small twists

of varigated fabric clusters, like flowers. The matching headgear fit so that only

his face showed through the encircling bands of yellow gold and ruddy peach.

His manner and stance were sun-like too. He gleamed with power and vanity.

He had subdued all the other Chieftains within reach. His Kingdom of NiMali

now covered most of the nearby lands. A retainer sat at his either side. Simply

uniformed men-at-arms hovered near the doors and windows, at ease, but not

feasting. Around the long table were six smaller, round tables where 30 of his

courtiers and their women sat, well filling the huge Great Hall.

Most of the Chiefmen were in high spirits, not at all like beaten

subjects. Except for Ookma who was grimly drinking his wine, most held their

heads high and toasted Jom NiMali, gladly offering their allegiance. They had

been drinking generously in their feast, regaling each other with their battle

exploits, even if their listeners had been the enemy.

The enormous high ceiling Hall was filled with comardery and warmth

from the heavily stoked fireplaces at either side. Two musicians, perched on a

small stage in one corner, kept a flowing melody going on a lute and hand

drum. Now and again, a few people rose to dance, weaving to the music's

pleasant lacery.

"Then what will you have of us now?" Ookma grumbled from halfway

down the table. "Do you gather us together tell us how much more you plan to

bleed us?"

"Ookma," Jom NiMali laughed with genuine pleasure, "I am glad to

know that I maintain at least one sworn enemy to help me keep my wits about

me. No, I assure you, one and all, I am pleased enough with your kind offerings.

Rather, what I have in mind is that, with our combined resources, we could

cross the Sea of Medtran to extend our conquests even further. My scouts tell

me there is fertile land there and forest." They talked of this some while, and

other common interests while they drank barrels of wine and near emptied the

tables of food.

As they had walked through the twisting, turning walkway between the

rows of hovels to the large courtyard before the Hall, Shantu Ya' had explained

to MOW that there would be many people there who didn't know what to

expect, that might be surprised of disturbed. But he had gotten word to the

Prince and he was certain preparations had been made for their safety. MOW

listened, but showed no concern.

Inside, they heard their horses tied nearby whiny and neigh with

excitement or fear at Shantu Ya' and Mow's arrival. As the Wizard's slow,

ceremonial knocking sounded at the heavy wooden door, Jom NiMali's face lit

with a smile of recognition and made a hand signal to an attendant stationed on

a balcony. There was the tolling of a deep, resonant gong as two guardsmen

pulled the wide, heavily carved door halves open. Startled cries and calls arose

from those within as Shantu Ya' entered the Hall accompanied by a huge

creature in a distorted human form --MOW.

The Wizard hadn't imagined the new Great Hall was so vast. Yet it was

near packed now with the assembled. The sheer masonry walls reached far up to

the high wood beam ceilings, enormous hearths at each side filled with blazing,

mounds of firewood, and servants nearby to stoke them. The show and power of

it all near stunned him. Yet MOW was obviously unperturbed.

The noise of the featsters' chatter stopped as they entered the doorway

and waited in attendance. The Wizard, though first jolted with the unexpected

splendor, smiled as it settled and he noted the moon, full and brightly white, as

it shone through far windows set high in the stone walls while wandering

clouds moved in the clear sky like dreams.

Though it had been natural to leave MOW naked at the Hermitage, here

the Wizard had clothed it in a simple long-sleeved dark blue tunic and a cloth

cap. As usual, MOW's expression was relaxed and smiling at all it saw. Even so,

its massive size and crystalline eyes obviously shocked the feasters.

Shantu Ya' appearance also seemed to startle. Even the Prince gave him

a taken aback stare. The Wizard was much thinner than when he'd left. His hair

and beard were long and well grayed. And he wore exotic garb. The head of a

large white mountain owl rested atop his own, rows of its iridescent feathers

just over his eyebrows. His floor length robe was embroidered with long

feathered wings embellished with beads. Over his shoulders, he wore a small

cape of real wings and feathers. This was the sacred attire he'd gathered for

himself there at the Hermitage as he got to know his Crazy Owl self more fully.

After his merging and growing resonant with the W.E.B., in a prayer-

like state of trusting receptivity, the Wizard had been prepared for this return.

As he came into greater alignment with its mystical laws, he allowed that "soul

bird" that was his Imago that had long been within to finally take outer form.

This attire was his guise as Crazy Owl, the Bird of Crystal like a Poem.

He and MOW peacefully entered and walked towards the Prince through

the crowd of men-at-arms and courtiers, feasters and servants, all dead still,

awed, watching the two. As they arrived before him, the Prince stood and raised

his arms in greeting, and called out with a smile, "Let us welcome our Wizard,

Shantu Ya', but just returned from the High Malias."

Jom NiMali looked Shantu Ya' in the eyes with gladness and offered

him a warm, two-handed handclasp.

"You are most welcomed back home, my Wizard, after these many

years. And, as you note, you amaze us with such a companion," the Prince told

him with humorous light poke to his arm. "At any rate, you have at last returned

to my Court." He motioned servants to bring chairs for them to be placed so that

the Wizard and MOW sat at his side. MOW, apparently uninterested in looking

about splendor of the Great Hall, sat calmly gazing at Jom NiMali, its hands

resting in its lap.

"Yes, m'lord. I came as soon as your word reached me that I was

wanted," the Wizard said and offered a courteous bow.

"Wanted? You are needed". Jom NiMali indicated the others at the table.

"These Chiefmen and their Citadels are now my subjects, much due to the

brilliant weaponry and tactics you bequeathed me. I have never revealed the

workings of your weapon deflector," he leaned close to whisper to the Wizard.

"Most of them were conquered because they believed you cast an unbreakable

victory spell for me," he nodded towards the Chiefmen sitting around them.

"My holdings have increased beyond the grasp of my powers alone. Wisdom too

is needed. That is why I sent for my Sage.

"And what is this you bring to show me for those nearly 20 years away,

this creature your side?" The Prince's face and tone were somewhat petulant.

"Yes, m'lord, this is one of the marvelous treasures of mind and being I

bring to further enrich your illustrious Court," the Wizard answered, almost


"What is this creature, anyway?" the prince questioned with a half


"It is a lengthy story, m'lord, but you do recall, or course," the Wizard

began with a deferential bow of his head, "that originally I asked your leave in

order to experimentally breed the chiptas we so favor as pets."

"The objective, if I understood you clearly then, was to breed a creature

to serve us well in battle," the Prince answered with restrained shortness.

The Wizard bowed his head again. "It did not happen so, m'lord. They

evolved in their own unimaginable way and excelled my hopes beyond all

expectations. What had been physical prowess and simple intelligence in their

forbears, in the Chimeras became endowments that strain belief. As individuals,

one surpasses in one way, one in another. But, as a species, their awareness and

atunement to each other makes our human interactions seem gross, stultified.

"Their energetic and psychic connections opened them to another

dimension of being, through which they discerned and merged with the

universal matrix, the Wholelife Energy Bond. After some time of preparation, I

too was taken into the W.E.B. and was guided to create MOW, this being at our

side, as the W.E.B.'s minion and embodiment.

"The Chimeras -as I have named the descendants of the chiptas- will

serve m'lord better, perhaps, as helpers and companions, rather than war

machines, " the Wizard explained in a slow, reasoning tone.

"Companions?" the Prince startled. "Is that what this creature is meant

to be?" he demanded of the Wizard. "Enough riddles," Jom NiMali asked

sternly. "Who or what is it?"

"We are called MOW," it answered, matching Jom NiMali's voice and

gruff tone. "The Minion of the W.E.B.."

"Be not displeased, m'lord, that it answers in your selfsame voice,"

Shantu Ya' explained. "It is in its nature to attune so,".

"I was startled. But not displeased," the Prince answered with a nervous

chuckle. "I suppose it is of your handiwork, as it has eyes of those multifaceted

crystals you favor and utilize so well."

"To have eyes like ours," MOW responded, "is to see as everything in its

myriadness. A face such as yours, to us, is a multitude of facets each aspect of

which is unique." Looking into the creatures eyes, Jom NiMali did indeed see

himself as a varied multitude, each caught in a different facet of MOW's eyes.

"Thus so, a single flame to you, to us is a conflagration," MOW

elaborated, indicating the candle on the table before them.

"Your MOW converses well," Jom NiMali gave a pleased chuckle, his

strong self-presence returning. "Perhaps we should call it The Multifaceted.

"Not inappropriate," Shantu Ya' smiled back, with some pride. "His

brain too is a multifaceted crystal and, as with his eyes, each facet can perceive

a unique aspect of things. MOW is a special being with most rare talents, as real

in his own way as you or I," he was pleased to assure the Prince.

The Wizard silently studied Jom NiMali's face some long moments,

considering something. When he spoke, it had the tone of council. "For

example, m'lord, as a youngster, you had a fascination with the history of our

race before the times of Devastation, the long-agos before our world was

brought to ruin. You and I spoke of those times some. I have imbued MOW with

all of that my teachers passed on to me. And MOW has other impressive, uh,


"Good," the Prince responded cheerfully. " A story teller of such scope

is pleasing to have at Court. But what I really need is help in uniting the many

Citadels I have taken. I do not want to loose my hold on them, to fall back and,

perhaps, become their vassal. Earlier we were discussing an idea I have of

uniting our forces for further conquests, perhaps in crossing the Medtran Sea. A

common goal can be binding to our unity, even to the resistant," he indicated

Ookma with his chin.

"We of the W.E.B. can be of help in the uniting," a deep, resonating

voice boomed across the Great Hall from MOW's chest. Now it did not imitate,

but spoke from a source beyond the reach of any one voice.

Startled expressions again played over the faces of those filling the Hall

on hearing him speak in his multitonal voice. But MOW continued without


"Our name, MOW, means Minion of the W.E.B., the Wholelife Energy

Bond. We serve this primal matrix of being that permeates and joins all living

beings. Unification is basic to our nature. For, as each being attains to

conscious awareness of the W.E.B., they are brought to become part of the

Cosmic Brain. Then another unique being is melded into the W.E.B., joined in

the greater good."

There were long moments of silence, of held, hushed breathlessness of

wonder and confusion throughout the Hall.

"The only greater good I'm interested in is mine," Jom NiMali exclaimed

rising from his throne chair, his hands haughtily on his hips. He turned to face

Shantu Ya', his face as tight as his fists. "And what of this W.E.B.? Is this

another of your mysterious weapons. Of war? Or of sedition?"

In Jom NiMali's same biting voice, MOW answered, "Your perceptions

are focused indeed. Most of your species, I note, have at least two facets to

their psyches. You have but one -self interest."

"Yes, your The Multifaceted, I am focused indeed," Jom NiMali

affirmed with heavy sarcasm. "That is how I have achieved all I wanted and

why you are here with Shantu Ya' to help me further my goals."

Shantu Ya' rose to face Jom NiMali up close. He gathered his full robe

about him and bowed ceremoniously. "The W.E.B. has no use as an instrument

of harm in any way. And my only intention is to assist you in your flourishing.

You are my liege," Shantu Ya' told him, arms moving in flowing, ceremonial


The musicians reacted to the change in mood and shifted to a plaintive

melody line, the hand drum struck with slow, solemn beats.

"I honor all that you have accomplished in these years, as I wish you to

honor mine. We have a common purpose," the Wizard assured him.

"I don't know about your purpose, but, besides absenting yourself when

you could have been of use to me here, you return with this creature that,

apparently, you created and stories of even more obscure mystifications. How

am I to understand you purposes when you are involved in such bewildering

things." There was hurt and suspicion in Jom NiMali's eyes and voice.

"I have come to see, m'lord, that we complement each other's aims. I

used to feel my role here as interference with my own path. But, through my

connection with the W.E.B. I have come to a fuller perspective," Shantu Ya'

explained patiently. Their voices, and the lamenting music, were the only

sounds in the Great Hall.

"Will you aid my Union of Citadels in our conquests across the Sea of

Medtran? That will show your loyalty!"

The Wizard closed his eyes, as did MOW, to link with the W.E.B.. At

once, he was taken up through the realms into the Cosmic Mind. Jom NiMali's

question still echoed in his awareness, but it appeared transformed in Shantu

Ya's consciousness. Now it appeared like a band of ants tempted to attack

another band. He was shown this would change as both bands were given a

possibility of shedding their ant-like perspectives altogether. He sought

Kyxara's psyche and easily found her there, reassuring him.

"No, Lord Of the NiMali, you have a greater destiny awaiting you, a

greater service to offer," the Wizard told him, trying to communicate the

certainty the W.E.B. instilled in him.

"You have become too abstract for us, there in your mountain solitudes.

If you have an alternative plan to offer to serve my needs, be clear and definite.

We are now close to ten thousand men at arms among our Union. What of


"For now, I ask you to be patient. I celebrate the Union with you. It will

be the seed of a still greater conquest, be assured. You look at me with

suspicion, Jom NiMali. But, have I ever given you cause to doubt my word."

The Prince took a deep breath and calmed himself some. "No, of a truth,

never. What I have gained over these years is, in large measures due to the

devices and plans you wrought that disarm but do not injure. I am honored

widely for that and thus I can holds the reins of control loosely. I am called

humane. A tyrant who is not tyrannical."

The other Chiefmen at the table smiled and voiced their agreement,

except Ookma who coughed a harsh laugh.

"Let us protect ourselves from attack from without and from turmoil

within. Then, let us go about the higher goal and you will see how well it serves

you. Trust me with this task for three moons when the decision as to what is

best to do will be yours," Shantu Ya' proposed to Jom NiMali, and, in effect, to

the council of Chiefmen about him.

The Prince and Wizard stood to face each other, eyes and attention

merged, as if reading each other's deepest intentions. Utter silence, but for

Ookma's nervously scratching at the rough wood of the table. Could two such

completely different men truly join intentions, each wondered in his own way.

Jom NiMali, completely given over to the lures of his power and will,

controlled and determined in his means to fulfilling them. Shantu Ya', drawn on

by his own calling from inner abyss to wonder. MOW fixed his eyes to take in

these reflections of them standing before him, Shantu Ya' held in its prismatic

left eye, Jom NiMali in its right. It began toning the Chimeras' call of

celebration as their fusing resonated in the W.E.B.. By now, the others were

accustomed to its bizarre doings and they were taken up in the joyfulness

MOW's song revealed in the scene.

Jom NiMali took the Wizard's hands in his. "Yes, Shantu Ya', you have

my trust. For three moons, lead us as you will. Then we shall see what we see."


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Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2010




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