Gill Schwartz
Gill Schwartz
M.A., B.Div.
Poet, Mystic,
World Traveler
Kathmandu to Kenosha
Wisdom Visions

A Alchemical Spy Story by Gill Schwartz

“Oh, Lord of Darkness and of Light,
We are here within Your sight.
In Your shimmering Eye we see
All that is or could ever be.”

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I am a Wizard and my Art is Alchemy,
the science of transformation.
By skillful use of schemes
and happenstance, I create a ritual
that parallels and guides soul change.
It aligns personal process with
corresponding outer events.
Inner and outer, individual and universal
come to resonate, to reflect each other.
As Wizard, I can then bring cosmic powers
into the innermost mystery unfolding.

In this, my Magnum Opus, I seek to convert
a common, even despised substance
into a wondrous, precious one:
Lead into gold, torment into revelation.
What had seemed worthless affliction
becomes an altar and sublime sacrament.

First, the substance is found as focus for this Opus,
-often revealed by what one loves or fears the most.
I prayerfully guide this substance through a
progression of Procedures that activate
its powers of growth and transformation.

I personify these Procedures
through symbols and images that mirror them,
explore their diverse facets,
and give entry into their mysteries.

Not a series of formulas, but a soul-science,
Alchemy calls for intuitive creativity and skill
in using its implements, formulas and treatments.
I move with high intention, yet am
humbly open to guidance in the moment.

The quest of my Opus is to deliver
this seeker's soul from its captivity
in a dark and hidden place,
to enlighten its confused mind,
to ennoble its lowly state.
The Work's culmination is the sublimation
of this substance into its transmuting state:
The Pearl of Great Price, the Elixir of Life,
The Jewel of Paradox.

Click on the chapters from the list on top left.

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Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2010

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Registered Copyright Nathaniel Schwartz 2003